Monday, May 11, 2009

A little bit more.

Considering the flooding parts of New Brunswick has experienced this spring I thought it appropriate to share this piece I found in the local paper.

In last weeks Tribune, (May 6Th 2009) there was an article in the "Restigouche in History" section. "Seventy five years ago (1934)" The article is about the INR (Former St Quentin sub) once owned by CN till it was abandoned in 1989.

Here's what was written in the article.

"One of the heaviest floods to have occurred on the INR was that of yesterday when 65 feet of the railway track was flooded at Mileage 19, situated between Millerville and Upsalquitch. Last night a train was sent out from here to transfer the passengers and bring them to Campbellton, the train arriving here about 10:30. Trainmen on arrival said that this flood was the heaviest they ever witnessed on the INR. It extended some 65 feet and in places was 19 feet deep. Owing to the nature of the ground in this district passengers were enabled to walk on dry ground between the transfer train. Orders have gone out that passengers, mail, express, and light goods are to be transferred today, and it is likely will be continued so long as the conditions warrant. At the present writing The Tribune has been unable to ascertain weather the water is still rising or falling, but it is anticipated that in any event it will not be necessary to transfer passengers beyond a day or two. It is said this flood was caused through the hamming of some pulp wood and the rapid melting of the snow."
(If interested here's a link with a brief history on the line. Also CN's application to abandon the line)

Here are a few pictures I have taken two weeks ago in Upsalquich to show the flooding that can occur on the former St Quentin Sub. A little side note. The river shown in these pictures is the Upsalquich River. The former INR crossed it as you can see. There is a brook that runs adjacent for a good portion of the line, Grogg Brook. This brook as you can see from the article has caused many a wash out along the line from Upsalquich to points north of the line over the years, and still does today. The line today is cared for by locals and cabin owners along the whole subdivision as well as a publicly run organisation which maintains the trail that uses this line.

That's it for now, so have fun and keep chasing those trains!