This weekend, 9 Nov 07 I'll be taking Via 15 to Montreal and connecting to Train 33 to Ottawa for several reasons one being I need a vacation, another I've always wanted to attend the Remembrence Day ceremonies at the National War Memorial, and this would be my chance. This week in light of my trip to Ottawa I have taken the time to remember those who have sacrificed so much for our basic freedoms and rights as Canadians. My Grand Father is a WWII Veteran, my Brother and several of my good friends have served in Afghanistan and I have served my time in the CF as well. I remember those I knew now dead and those I have worked with, trained with now scarred by the horrors of war. I remember them well and I honour them with the deepest and upmost respect. Therefore when I arrive at the monument this weekend, I won't be going for my self. I will going for them, I'll be laying a wreath for my Grand Father as I do every year but this year is very important to me being it'll be in Ottawa. Though this year there is no Veterans Train I am sure I'll meet some on the way there.
Among other places I'll be visiting in Ottawa is of course Parliment Hill and verious points of interest and also some of the local pubs too. No trip is fullfilled unless you take a night off at one of the local Irish Pubs.
Of course I'll take lots of pictures of the trains I'll be on and hopefully I'll catch some yard action when I'm in Montreal and Ottawa, I'll make it a stop of intrest while I'm there to catch some trians.
Bonus Train
Monday, August 6th 2018 was a holiday here in Manitoba. It's called a
"Civic Holiday" here, other provinces call it "Family Day" and it's not
even a hol...
6 years ago